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How To Set New Years Resolutions so You Can Achieve Them

We have heard about Goal Setting for decades now. We have all done this…. we set goals for ourselves, we set New Years’ Resolutions at the end of each year…. but how many of us actually achieve them? Here’s how to set goals so we can train our brain to accomplish them:

1. Set SMART Goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time bound.

SPECIFIC – Goals have to be Specific enough that we have a real target to work towards. Saying I want more money or better health next year is not detailed enough for our brains to grasp. Stating a goal more clearly is absolutely necessary in order to visualize the target and build a new habit. For example, I’d like to work out a minimum of 4 days a week is a specific enough target that you can picture yourself working out and you can count the number of workouts per week.

MEASURABLE – Just as in the example above, just saying I want to be in better health doesn’t give us a clear way to measure how we are doing. Tracking our progress against a goal, if we are truly working towards it, can generate a feeling of self-satisfaction or gratification. We all need this little happy boost to further motivate us and keep us on the path towards the finish line.

ACHIEVABLE – Ask yourself is this Achievable? In other words, do you have all the skills or resources you need to accomplish the goal? Have you done it before? If not, do you know someone that has? Ensure you have the right tools and skills to complete it. If you’ve never worked out, then finding a trainer or a friend that trains regularly can help set you up for success.

REALISTIC – Setting a goal that is Realistic is ever so important. Saying, for example, I’d like to lose 10 pounds by tomorrow will not work as the body is not capable of that rapid a change. Saying I’d like to lose 10 pounds in 30 days is absolutely realistic as the body can lose 2-3 pounds a week safely.

TIME BOUND – Set a Target Date so you know your timeline and can work backwards to ensure all the right pieces are in place so that you can accomplish your goal on schedule.

2. Visualize yourself Accomplishing the Goal Successfully. Sit and close your eyes and imagine that you’ve already accomplished it! What are you DOING in that moment? How will you FEEL? What will you SEE? What will you HEAR? Imagine a specific moment in time when you will have already accomplished it.

3. Trust that you have all the resources you need to accomplish this easily and effortlessly. Imagine that the right information will come your way or the right door will be opened to create the opportunity you need to be successful.

4. Take 5 minutes at the start of each day to focus on the end state – IMAGINE YOU ALREADY HAVE IT. Focus on the feeling of already having accomplished it.

Begin celebrating that feeling…. that you have already reached your goal.

Happy Resolutions to all and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR from us at GetZENd!


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Ronda is a Peak Performance Coach focusing on Life Coaching and the Mental Wellbeing of Athletes in her practice. She is also contracted through a large Division 1 University program to work with their athletes as a mental coach. She specializes in fear, pressure, adversity, uncertainty, removing obstacles, anxiety, doubt, recovering from injuries or setbacks, and identity beyond a sport or a role. She provides a proactive approach to the mental health of athletes and teams on wellbeing and the mental side of the game. Ronda is also an accomplished athlete herself and spent five seasons as a head coach for a Professional Women’s Hockey team in the Premier Hockey Federation, and is a scout for the Nashville Predators of the NHL.

Ronda’s education includes undergraduate studies in Psychology, a Masters in School Counseling and post graduate certifications in Applied Positive Psychology, The R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset Systemᵀᴹ, and is certified as an Applied Positive Psychology coach, specializing in Leadership, Mentoring and Coaching, Teamwork and Collaboration. While Ronda has specialized in the athletic mindset, she is passionate about helping any person wanting to uncover what is possible and learn to use their mind as an asset for reaching their full potential.


Sylvia Halligan is a mind-body mental agility and change management coach. She helps organizations successfully lead and navigate change, make it stick, and empower individuals to transform into flourishing, thriving beings. Her personal coaching practice incorporates a blend of eastern philosophy practices backed by western science. Interventions include guided visualization, hypnosis, breath work, embodiment, energy psychology, positive psychology, and neuroscience.

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Anjali is a Holistic Health & Positive Psychology Pracitioner. As a naturally intuitive, compassionate, and deeply empathetic coach, Anjali creates an environment for her clients that allows them to truly understand the connection of how the mind and body coexist and relate to one another. Assisting clients in understanding the mind & body connection, how blocked emotions can reappear in emotional patterning or physical alignments in the body, and aids in healing through the use of various techniques, including The R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset Systemᵀᴹ.

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Marjolein is a trainer, facilitator and coach, specializing in Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. In her individual coaching practice, Marjolein works with people to educate and empower them with the tools from Positive Psychology, Self Compassion and Emotional Intelligence. Her work with corporations includes embedding innovative, human-centric mindset coaching, training and facilitation. She’s a Senior Leadership Facilitator for THNK, The School of Creative Leadership in Amsterdam, Netherlands where she develops global leaders in international corporations to unlock their full potential in leading themselves, and others, for greater impact.

Marjolein holds certifications in Emotional Intelligence and Leadership, Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP) and is an Applied Positive Psychology coach. She is also trained in Self Compassion, through the thought leader in this space, Kristen Neff, and is certified in The R.E.W.I.R.E. Mindset Systemᵀᴹ. Marjolein holds a Masters degree in Biomedical Sciences and Post Graduate degrees in Management and Positive Psychology.